Is It a Sin to Withhold Sex From Your Husband if You Know He Is Cheating

This was a comment by Trey on my post Giving Men a Vox on Existence Starved for Sex.

There is not plenty manifestly talk in the world theses days. Here are some plain words, spoken in honey, to all of you women out at that place.

Likewise many women want to try and make this a complex issue and discuss it (advertizement nauseam) from every possible bending. They have a thousand excuses for why they don't "desire" or "experience" like having sex with their husbands merely when you blow away all of the fume and blast all of the mirrors it all boils down to just… one… thing. SIN! Women withholding sex (and not merely sex but intimacy) from their husbands is just another way that they are not obeying God past submitting THEMSELVES unto their own husbands in EVERYTHING and are sinfully maintaining that CONTROL for themselves.

I will say this as plain as information technology is. With very, very few exceptions (rare health bug, addictions, or physically abusive situations), if you are a woman who calls herself Godly and thinks she is post-obit Jesus Christ in her life but withholding sex from your husband, you are living in a delusional fantasy. You are not serving Christ but Satan, and Christ (if you even know Him) is severely grieved by your wretchedly SINFUL behavior. PERIOD.

You cannot even fathom the amount and depth of damage that you are doing to your husband, your marriage, your children, and consequently, yourselves. This is withal another area where women are their ain worst enemies! If you appoint in this wretchedly sinful behavior, yous are heaping tons of damage, pain, and suffering on yourselves and anybody you claim to dearest most!

God made sex for matrimony and He tells you in the Bible that you should be having it and that you should not terminate from having it oft except by mutual agreement and then only for a curt specific time menstruum for a specific purpose (1 Corinthians 7:2-5). God made sexual practice to be enjoyed past men and women equally. Virtually men are driven to it by their hormones. Most women must often (out of obedience) choose to do information technology whether they "feel" like it or not. Men go off to piece of work every twenty-four hour period to provide whether or not they "feel" similar it.

And speaking of hormones ladies, if it were not for abundant testosterone and the sex activity drive that God put into men making them attracted to women for sex, I personally don't believe that the vast majority of men would choose to have annihilation to do with women at all. Women are, in so many ways, different than men and are so confusing, emotional, irrational and then much trouble that without the sex activity bulldoze, the vast majority of men would not requite a woman the time of day.

Then, in essence, the thing that then many women despise about men is the just thing that draws them to you and gets them to marry you and provide for you lot and protect yous in the first identify! And then you take information technology away from them and they are forced to stay married to you because of their commitment to God? SERIOUSLY!?!?! And women are constantly complaining about how men physically and emotionally corruption them?! The majority of women (in our club) accept never experienced physical abuse, and I would contend that much of the emotional corruption they have experienced is of their own making. (If you are truly being physically or emotionally abused, delight click Here.) I will assure you that every man married to a gate-keeping or refusing wife is both physically AND emotionally abused by their wives!!!

God made sex to bring a husband and wife together in body, soul, and spirit. Among other things, information technology is the magnet that draws and the glue that binds your hubby to yous. You women want to take a close and intimate "oneness" relationship with your husband? Sex is the path that God created to draw your man to you and demark the 2 of you together. Your hubby not only has a physical Need for sex activity (just like he needs to eat food and potable h2o to survive), he also has an emotional need for it. Both of these needs were God created so if y'all despise them, you are despising God.

Fifty-fifty if you requite your hubby all of the sex he wants and his physical needs are met, if you do not emotionally participate (rather just give him Duty Sex), his emotional needs are yet non met and no intimacy will be created betwixt the 2 of you. Women, there are no half measures here. You take to give YOURSELF COMPLETELY (physically and emotionally) to your married man for God's blessings to exist realized.

Lots of men will just fake it and apologize when they are not fifty-fifty in the wrong and force themselves to exercise overnice things like washing the dishes or vacuum and pretend to show kindness toward you… all in an endeavor to become sexual activity because their concrete demand is so overwhelming just their words and deportment are not real! It is just a show they are putting on to endeavour and get you to have sexual practice with them and in their hearts they resent it, and information technology damages any true intimacy that might be betwixt y'all! If y'all want their feelings and kind/thoughtful actions to exist real toward you, then they crave "quality" sex on a regular basis. God made it that quality sex on a regular basis Really causes a human being to feel closer to and have more loving thoughts and feelings toward his wife. It MAKES him feel more than loving toward her. It MAKES him want to practice things to please her and make her happy! Information technology binds the ii of you together in a oneness relationship! The lack of it does just the opposite.

What practice I mean by "quality" sex activity? You must not just make your bodies "available" to your married man so they can use information technology to satisfy their physical needs, yous must fully (mind, body, spirit) engage in the human activity with them. Don't only have sex… MAKE Dearest!!! You must cull (yes, information technology is a mental pick on your part) to become angry and give YOURSELVES fully and completely to him with no reservation. This level of trust and commitment might accept some time and attempt to reach, but it is the goal you must never terminate in striving for and practice makes perfect.

Then many women cry and lament and are depressed that they don't accept a close and intimate relationship with their husband. Why does your husband not spend much time with you? Why don't you share in deep and meaningful conversations and share your feelings together? Why don't you feel the love, affection, and adoration coming from him? Why are you not cherished by your husband? If yous observe yourself asking those questions, then ask yourself this one: How fully and how oftentimes practise you requite yourself sexually to him? This is the master primal to achieving what you so deeply desire.

Women, as with then many things in marriage, you concord the keys!!! Obey God and practice it His fashion and you (and your entire family) will reap His bountiful blessings. Disobey God and do it your way and it brings nothing but misery and hurting.

Stop depriving i another, except past agreement for a time, and so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together once more so that Satan will not tempt y'all because of your lack of self-control.
1 Corinthians vii:5

***Here is an article for those women who accept higher sex drives than their husbands.


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